UK > CEPENSAR > About us


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About us

KEGA 012UK-4/2018 "The Concept of Constructionism and Augmented Reality in the Field of the Natural and Technical Sciences of the Primary Education (CEPENSAR)".

The main CEPENSAR project goal is to create two university textbooks, reflecting current needs in the field of science and technology education at elementary school. When we involve Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), the results will contribute to a better understanding of primary school children. In several natural and technical courses and processes, it supports development of critical thinking. The central idea is to develop pupils' key competencies (as a combination of knowledge, skills, experience and attitudes) at a level that is personally achievable for them. According to the State Educational Program (SEP), key competencies are considered in the primary education stage: communication skills, mathematical literacy and literacy in natural science and technology, digital literacy skills, learning to learn, problem solving, and others. Through these methodological materials, we want to contribute to the development of teaching, facilitating education and developing key competences as required not only by the State Education Program but also by society. The target group will be university students in primary education, primary school teachers and elementary school pupils.

CEPENSAR research proceeds in 4 stages:

  1. Analysis of literature and information on experience with teaching with VR/AR - 2018
  2. Mapping the application of VR/AR to teaching at elementary schools in the SR in accordance with SEP - 2019
  3. Development of teaching design using digital technology, VR/AR - 2020
  4. Creating textbooks on VR/AR teaching methods and usage examples - 2020


We invite you to the final opposition of the CEPENSAR project, which will take place on 15.03.2021 at 15:30 through MS Teams.